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a guide
for faith communities
to co-create
impactful solutions
in the world

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God calls us to be the light of the world, to love others, to help those in need, to be the hands and feet of Jesus, to offer hope. Yet, it can be difficult to figure out how and where to start. In this guidebook, faith-inspired teams will be led through a people-centered design process to co-create impactful solutions. This process recognizes that people being impacted by a problem are the experts (and many times have the solutions). It is only by listening and walking together that real impact can collectively be made.


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Meet the Authors


Brenda Freije

Brenda has a passion for working with organizations to solve complex challenges. She serves as a lawyer and consultant for nonprofit and faith-based organizations and does research on issues of urban sustainability, equity, and healthcare. She is particularly interested in human centered design, social enterprise solutions, and how norms and values intersect with economics in shaping public policy. She is ordained in the United Methodist Church and serves in various leadership roles in the community.


Stephanie Fernhaber

Stephanie is an educator and researcher with a passion for spurring social innovation. As a professor at Butler University, she teaches a variety of entrepreneurial courses that leverage human-centered design principles. Stephanie is active in the community and has led a process to design solutions to local challenges such as food access and youth empowerment. She has published over twenty journal articles and co-created two books.

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